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shopping time

reviewed your preview and requested your edits?

If so...

you're now ready to shop!

What's it gonna be, hardcover or softcover?

Not Currently Accepting Orders

Feel free to make a FREE e-book for fun though!

Wait, how does this work again?
It's way simple.
  1. Answer questions.
  2. Request edits.
  3. Checkout.
oh and...
  4. Receive your real book.
  5. Present it to your lover. 
  6. Receive even more love. 

But like what about all the details n' junk? Okay, so you want to know ALL the steps involved so you know what you're getting yourself into before you actually dig in, right?


Fair 'nuff me lay it out for you in full detail: 


  • Tell us if you're a girl gifting a dude or vice versa. 

  • Answer about 80 super simple questions in less than 4 minutes (if you're speedy like that). 

  • We take your info and whip up content for your book. 

  • We give you a preview to review. Most books are 100-150 pages long.

  • You tell us any pages you want removed. 

  • You tell us up to 5 more of your very own messages you want added as pages and where you want them. 

  • You provide your own pics for any of the 5 or request we whip up illustrations for ya. 

  • You decide hardcover or softcover and make your purchase.

  • We make your book a real book. 

  • We wrap it up all pretty and ship it you. 

  • You receive it. 

  • You give it to your lover.

  • You watch them melt like a popsicle in the Florida sun as they fall in love with you all over again. 

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